Swiss Trustnet

As node operator keyper is a member of Swiss Trustnet International, a Swiss association dedicated to promoting and developing DLT Technology both within Switzerland and internationally. The TrustnetONE blockchain, a permissioned blockchain with smart contracts on-chain, is the primary focus of the association. TrustnetONE provides businesses with a reliable and protected blockchain infrastructure by combining the transparency and power sharing of permission-less chains with the legal safety, confidentiality, predictability, and scalability of permissioned chains.

Swiss Trustnet International's members include node operators, validators, service providers, and association members, who all contribute to the trustworthiness of the blockchain. The association strives to have a diverse membership in terms of jurisdiction, types, and sizes of authorities or businesses, with all members taking their decisions on node operators, validators, and new association members through on-chain voting.

In addition to governance, Swiss Trustnet International also acts as a legal counterpart for end-users. Any actor on the blockchain with a legitimate interest can request temporary access to the blockchain to examine their transactions, particularly to prove their value rights according to the new Swiss DLT legislation.

Swiss Trustnet International is committed to financing research and development of blockchain technology, with a particular focus on scalability and IoT integration. As a member of this association, keyper is excited to be part of a community that is working to advance the development of DLT technology in a responsible and sustainable way.

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